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Get Some Sun!

If you live in the Great Northeast, chances are, by now, you are longing for the fleeting sun of summer. Likewise, our bodies are craving the essential Vitamin D that is provided by glorious sunshine.

Here in Ithaca, NY there is a 32% chance of a sunny day in the month of February. Three days this month were predicted to be ‘clear’. Rest assured, March has got four whole days in line to bring us some much needed sunshine. Woohoo.

You may simply want to feel the warm sun on your face for a change. But, more importantly, your body is in need of the Vitamin D the sun provides in order to properly fight off infections, inflammation, depression, neurological disorders, the dreaded common cold and flu– even cancer! Life itself, of course would not be possible without the sun, without precious Vitamin D.

You can obtain substantial amounts of Vitamin D from eating certain foods such as catfish, salmon, dried mushrooms, eggs, and herring. However vitamin supplements, such as fish oil capsules, may be additionally useful.

Try to spend as much time as you can outside. Ithaca, along with the rest of the Northeast has experienced an unfamiliarly mild winter season, so take advantage! Eat your lunch outside. If it’s a cold day and you have to bundle up so that all that is left uncovered is your face and hands– it’s a start. Any bit will help. Countless skincare creams have sunscreen in them. Sunscreen is great for August and July, but why needlessly block what little sun there is during the time of year when your body needs it most? One alternative way to garner Vitamin D, albeit somewhat controversial, is paying a visit to your local beauty salon or health center to inquire about sun showers. They are essentially what you’d picture if I’d said tanning bed. The difference is, it’s not about getting tan! It’s about, you guessed it, the vital vitamin! You typically spend a mere three minutes inside, getting a quick taste of summer. It’s enough time for your body to soak in it’s dose of D and if you’re optimistic, enough time to brighten the rest of your day!

Don’t sit around and sulk. Get outside! Brave the cold, if it is in fact cold where you are. Watch your diet and if you’re up for it, why not? Try a sun shower.


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